UN predicts strong tropical storm Kyarr may not hit northern Somalia‏

English version

اليمن العربي

The tropical storm Kyarr, which had earlier been predicted to cause destruction in northern Somalia, is receding rapidly and may not cause a threat to the Horn of Africa nation, according to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) on Friday.

The forecast by the FAO-managed Somalia Water and Land Information Management (SWALIM) said the tropical storm dubbed Kyarr, which was earlier forecast to affect parts of Somaliland, Puntland and Central regions of Somalia, is not expected to make landfall in Somalia.

"Therefore, there is no foreseen immediate threat to Somalia in relation to Kyarr which may dissipate today," FAO said.

The storm affected the Arabian Sea, with cities from Pakistan to Oman and the United Arab Emirates reporting coastal flooding from the high seas.

FAO warned on Tuesday that the tropical storm had been developing in the northern Indian Ocean and was expected to affect most parts of Puntland and Somaliland over the weekend.

Heavy rains have been pounding several parts of Somalia in recent weeks, with more than 273,000 people displaced by floods.