80 tonnes of food aid from UAE to needy Yemeni families‏

English version

اليمن العربي

The Emirates Red Crescent, ERC,  provided 80 tonnes of food and relief assistance to needy Yemeni families in eastern Mukalla, Hadramaut Governorate, as part of the UAE’s efforts to ease their suffering and improve their living conditions. ERC, UAE humanitarian arm, teams distributed 1,000 food baskets that benefitted 5,000 members of local families. The Yemeni beneficiaries thanked the UAE for its humanitarian gesture, which eased the suffering of their families, and expressed their appreciation for the ERC’s efforts to deliver aid and restore their normal living conditions. The number of food baskets distributed since the start of the Year of Tolerance amounted to 28,244 weighing some 2,282 tonnes, which assisted 141,220 local people.