Former U.S. Secretary of Defense: Qatar Has Provided “Financial Support” For Terrorism

English version

اليمن العربي

At a conference in Washington D.C. earlier today, former U.S. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta called out the nefarious activity of Qatar and its policies regarding terrorist groups. Panetta explicitly stated that he knew that Qatar provided financial support to the liked of the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Al Qaeda, and the Taliban:

“Qatar, frankly, has a mixed record. We know they have provided support, – financial support for the Muslim Brotherhood, for terrorism, for Hamas, for elements of Al Qaeda, The Taliban and the problem is, they can’t have it both ways. If you’re in that region, you have some common enemies: one is terrorism and, frankly, the other is Iran, and you can’t play both sides of the street.”

Panetta is not the first former U.S. Secretary of Defense to criticize Qatar’s support for terrorism. Earlier this year, former U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates criticized Qatar for providing a “safe haven” to the Muslim Brotherhood.