Divorce hits Iranian families (accurate statistics)‏

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The rate of divorce is increasing in the Iranian society, where it is witnessing the highest rates of divorce in the world, this is because of the deteriorating social conditions and the low economic situation, especially in light of the high unemployment rate which led to unsettlement in the marital relations , all due to the pressures exerted by the Iranian repressive regime .
Divorce rises to 50%

The divorce rate in Iran reached to 50 percent, meaning that there are 9 cases per minute in the country, according to the news agency of the parliament, in early April

Addiction caused 55 cases of divorce

Rouhani assistant for the family affairs Shahindkht said that addiction accounted for 55 percent of divorce cases in the country and 10 percent of addicts in Iran are women.
While Iranian agencies reported that more than 60 percent of divorce cases related to drugs and more than 6 million citizens were affected by drugs.
5% of the Iranian people are suffering from severe psychological disorders

According to reports from the scientific body of the University of Tabatabai in Tehran,  5% of the Iranian people suffer from severe psychological disorders, and 8% need to be detained in psychiatric hospitals.
These psychological problems suffered by some individuals lead them to problems in all aspects of life, such as marriage, work and study, it is known that mental disorders mean that the person faces problems in his life and can not solve or resolve, the scientific body said.
Last year, the judicial authorities register every hour 18 cases of divorce, according to government statistics.
Iranian authorities attribute high divorce rates to sexual dissatisfaction, drug addiction and high unemployment. Iran complains that 90 percent of divorced women will not marry, making them vulnerable to having sex illegally.

The suicide epidemic in Iran

In recent years, suicides by burning among wives headlined the newspapers as women's rights activists argue that rising economic recession, poverty, unemployment, despair and other social factors are the causes of suicide.