OIC: Hazm Storm was able to foil the Iranian project in Yemen‏

English version

صورة أرشيفية
صورة أرشيفية

Qassim Sayid al-Masri, the former Egyptian ambassador to Riyadh and an adviser to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, said that Al-Hazm Storm was able to end the idea of the Iranian project in the region and its attempt to control Yemen and intervene in the Gulf.

According to website " 24" , al-Masri considered the Saudi Arabia decision to start the storm two years ago has saved Yemen from the Iranian influence and saved the Arab region from the continued attempts by Tehran to implement its regional project.

The OIC's adviser said that it is necessary now to the countries of the Arab coalition , led by Saudi Arabia to seek to promote a political solution as long as the other party desired this in order to mitigate the negative effects of the long duration of the war.