Stabbing with knife and shooting fire, the Brotherhood's prominent terrorist ways‏

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After the appointing of Theresa May as a prime minister of Britain in July last year and in her first press conference she warned from the spreading of terrorism inside Britain saying " The threat of terrorism is severe for our country and we do not rule out an attack that threatens the security of Britain ". A lot of statements were released after that especially after discussions inside and outside the British House of Commons about the danger of Daesh sleeping cells in Britain , as it considered on of Muslim Brotherhood arms

One of the most dangerous decisions that took by the British  government is giving the Muslim Brotherhood leadership political asylum 

Here, some of the most important terrorists attacks carried out by the Muslim Brotherhood Group and its arm Daesh which called Islamic State (IS)

On August 3, a US tourist was killed and five people were injured after a stabbing in Russell Square in central London. The perpetrator was arrested and admitted to the crime

Less than a month earlier, four women were injured in stabbing operation just hours after the police released the criminal

On December 5 last year, three people were injured after a man stabbed them , shouting "This is for Syria" and the incident was classified as terrorist
On May 22, 2013, a British soldier was killed after being run over by two men and stabbed by the knife. Police arrested the criminals and sentenced them to life imprisonment