The Yemeni legitimate forces found a large weapons store belonging to Al-Qaeda in Hadramout . (full details)‏

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The legitimate forces found a huge weapons store belongs to al-Qaeda in the eastern area of Hadramout coast

Security sources said on Monday , according to Al-Arabiya TV channel , that the weapons store contains missiles , mortars and launchers in addition to medium-caliber weapons, adding that elements from al-Qaeda were planing to a sabotage process in Hadramout

In the same context , Houthi militias asked US administration to coordinate with them in the strikes that target Al-Qaeda in Yemen

A source in the militias said that " they condemn the US strikes, which they described as a mono-side in the face of terrorism: , and they declared their willingness to coordinate with the Americans in the ongoing operations
The source pointed out that the US operation will not be effective against al-Qaida without intelligence coordination with the authorities of the areas under the control of Houthis , according to them