Asiri: Yemeni army is ready to fight rebels on its own.‏

English version

اليمن العربي

Yemeni governmental army, that supports the country’s President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi, now can act against Houthi rebel movement without assistance of the Saudi led coalition, the coalition’s spokesman General Ahmad Asiri said on Saturday in an interview with Al Arabiya TV channel.

"Now the time has come when the Yemeni army can act independently on the battle fields," Asiri said adding that in recent years the Saudi-led coalition was fighting Houthis and at the same time training the Yemeni Army.

According to the military official, the government forces acting on the side of President Masour Hadi have made significant progress on all Yemeni fronts.

The standoff between the government forces and Houthis rebels has been on in Yemen since August 2014. In March 2015, it intensified after the Saudi-led coalition entered Yemen and supported President Masour Hadi.