The merits of liberating the strategic area of Dhubab in Yemen.‏

English version

اليمن العربي

After the national army forces and the Arab coalition liberated Dhubab District north Bab al-Mandab , the size of the weapons that smuggling from Iran to Houthi militias is shrinking  .

Houthi militias depended during last years on the western coastal strip including Dhubab and Bab al-Mandab to smuggle weapons that come from Iran through Somalia and Djibouti what has increased the duration of the conflict between the militias and the Yemeni government .

According to observers re-controlling Dhubab by the national army and the Arab coalition is considered a blow to the coup project and reduce the size of weapons smuggling and if the legitimate forces progressed toward Mokha in the north and Hodaida Houthi and Saleh militias will lose the ability to move and deliver contraband military supplies and the areas which they control will become isolated areas.

The reason of the importance of restoring Dhubab zone, about 40 km from the Strait of Bab al-Mandab , is that it is an extended area of ​​the strait and restoring it representing securing the international navigation, which is a conduit for nearly four million barrels of oil a day.

Liberating Dhubab is also a military and strategic gain as it will make the operation of liberating Mokha port , which far only 46 km from Dhubab , more easy which enhances the ability of the national army and the Coalition to secure the entire coast of Yemen on the Red Sea .